S&L Safe Cut Kits® are carefully and specifically designed to support those affected by self-harm
Sadly, with the current situation with mental health hitting an all time low, self harm is becoming increasingly common. Many professional services recommend having a ‘Safe Cut Kit’ available for a person to access.
Our kits are designed to break the cycle with the delay and replace strategy, primarily focusing on the alternative, safer methods of self harm, as well as carefully chosen, sterile first aid supplies specifically for cutting style wounds.
They DO NOT contain blades or any items designed for cutting.
Our kits are designed for both young people and adults.
However, due to safeguarding, we will not knowingly sell our kits directly to anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, and need a kit, please reach out to your parent or caregiver, who can purchase a kit on your behalf 🔞
Always take advice from any professionals working with your family to ensure an S&L Safe Cut Kit® is right for your situation.
All about our S&L Safe Cut Kits
Delay and Replace with safer, alternative methods of self-harm
Our Safe Cut Kits are not just a
standard first aid kit , full of random
bits and bobs you’ll never
need! They are carefully and specifically designed for those affected by self-harm.
Primarily, we try to focus on the Delay and Replace Strategy by enclosing items to encourage the safer, alternative methods.
Elastic bands to flick on skin,
Ice cube moulds to hold in the hand or rub on skin,
Red ink pen to draw mock wounds on the skin,
A stress ball,
and a motivational journal & pencil to write down thoughts and feelings.
First Aid Items
Our sterile first aid items are carefully chosen for cutting style wounds. Items to stop the bleed, clean and cover the wound, as well as an easy to follow leaflet, with simple, illustrated step by step instructions.
Cotton cloth and gauze to stop any bleeding,
Alcohol free wipes to clean the wound,
Wound closure strips,
Large adhesive dressings,
Low adherent dressings for covering the wound,
Micropore tape,
and a bandage to keep the dressing in place and keep clean.
Burns Dressings and Antiseptic Spray can be purchased separately. These are listed in the additional items section of our website shop.
Our enclosed leaflet has information informing when and how to get additional help with emergency numbers ☎️
Discounts for Charities and Organisations
We offer a discounted price for charities and organisations.
When purchasing ten or more of our GREEN Safe Cut Kits, we are able to offer a reduced price per kit. This option is available through our shop. We can also enclose flyers or leaflets to the kits for no extra cost, delivered straight to your door.
Please get in touch for further information.
Always reach out for help
RightLines UK is a national support service for young people, between the ages of 13-35, who feel the need to Self Harm. They are a completely free and confidential service focused on encouraging the person in need to develop understanding, strength and change.
They offer a Live Webchat service 4pm-10pm on weekdays. A 24hr messaging service (they aim to respond within 24hrs) and a distraction robot called Chat 2 Tav.
Calm Harm is an award winning app designed for young people over the age of 13.
The Calm Harm app provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behaviour and explore underlying trigger factors; the app supports you in building a ‘safety net’ of helpful thoughts, behaviours, and access to supportive people, as well as providing the opportunity to journal and self-reflect. The Calm Harm app also signposts to help.
Hidden Strength is a unique mental health platform for young people aged 13-24. They offer meaningful support, advice and guidance in a safe, anonymous environment. Support is both peer to peer, and in the form of fully qualified therapists available on demand using secure virtual environments.
The platform also provides holistic mental well-being tools allowing the community to access a range of online education and activities.
Young Minds
Please note we are not linked to any of the above. They do not have any connection to us or our Products.
S&L Safe Cut Kits® has a dedicated support group on Facebook. It is a private group where people can post anonymously, in a non judgmental, safe space, anything related to self harm and mental health. The below button will take you there.